Agentie de branding

The Logo Bigger Team

We passionately build brands that will bring added value to businesses.

matei arnautu
Matei Arnautu
Head of Art
marina tenu
Marina Tenu
Client Service Director
anatoli ciucurovschi
Anatoli Ciucurovschi
Head of Strategy
alex ducu
Alex Ducu
Head of Production
iosif oprescu
Iosif Oprescu
New Business
doru maxineanu
Doru Maxineanu
Pre-Press Manager
Marius Stan
Art Director

"I want my logo bigger!" Sounds familiar?

We understand and share your passion and involvement. We like people with entrepreneurial attitudes and vision.

The power of creation

If you are a producer, you may be interested in building a brand from scratch. You need a brand name, a packaging design and all the materials that accompany a brand when it first hits the market.

​We will design thinking about the entire product circuit. From production efficiency to retail relationship and finally to quality perceived by the end consumer. We take care to take into consideration the whole mix of online
and offline communication.

See Nixodor Case Study

Branding for B2B & B2C

Service businesses have their specifics, therefore the strategy we come up with has a different approach that will take into account the size of your business, the target audience, the service you offer and your competition.

​You might start with branding, but you might as well need an effective and well-written presentation site where Content Marketing comes first in the communication mix.

The leads you need so much may require a new strategy and a B2B or B2C approach that you haven't had before. If you want to have results, you may have to try something new, and with Logo Bigger you will not run out of ideas for actions to surprise your audience or competition.

In order to increase sales, we pay special attention to the presentation of the products and services that you make available to your customers. Our copywriting services - we assure you - will work for you as a real sales force. If you feel that you are at a standstill and you need a double-check or a consulting session, contact us.

Our branding services are listed on designrush.

Branding for retail & Horeca

If you are a trader and have a large retail business, a network of stores or a single store on the road, a hotel, a restaurant or a pub, we can successfully deal with its identity and communication.

Maybe you want to expand your online business and have national sales or reservations, to promote your business to Romanian or foreign tourists, to do home delivery.

For all this we can come up with solutions. We took the first step towards you. Let's talk and see where we start.

Branding for finance

We have the ability to understand a financial product, to differentiate it, to explain it and tell your consumer, on his understanding. We know how to make it memorable and help you maintain or increase your market share through specific communication actions.

It is enough to tell us where you are and where you want to go so that Logo Bigger can tell you how to do it, online, offline or - if necessary - with any other means of communication.

We are Logo Bigger for those who want to make bigger sales.
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