  1. When you need a name to become a trademark.
  2. When you want a professional visual identity

These are the main 2 reasons why we collaborate with our clients. There may be other reasons, but I consider them secondary, or in the area of brand maintenance. Further, I will detail these 2 reasons why a branding agency is useful.

1. A good name that becomes a trademark

Finding a good registrable name is already a very ambitious project. There are now more than 8 million registered trademarks at the European level. The most crowded categories are those for food products or soft drinks. If you want to enter the market with a new brand of biscuits, you will be amazed at how many registered brands there are.

Many of these brands are unknown, either because they are sold in other markets or because they have never been used. A registered trademark is valid for 10 years.

In a branding agency, there are name seekers. These are very special people, a kind of alchemist of words. The best of them manage to make very good names:

The time required for the creation of a name is 30 - 90 days. Depending on the value of the copywriter, on his inspiration, on the time he allocates to the project, and on the degree of crowding that a certain registration class has.

Once a shortlist of names is created, these proposals must be vetted by a specialist intellectual property firm.

Only after we have the agreement of the law firm, the process of registering a name will begin. The time required for the registration of names is 3-6 months. Depending on the office where it registers and the number of classes a brand wants to block.

2. A professional visual identity

A brand needs an entire suite of visuals, typefaces, and a color family to communicate consistently across all mediums.

The logo is very important to signal the personality of a brand, but it is not enough. A package will have a set of associated colors, a font family, and illustrations or other visuals to communicate with.

We can look at the personality of a brand in parallel with the personality of a person. The way it looks matters, but the other elements are also very important:

A company's verbal and visual identity can be associated with a person's personality. The name and logo are the most important elements because they form the first impression. But how a brand continues to communicate will influence how it is perceived by the public.

A branding agency is used to thinking about these things, while most entrepreneurs are more concerned with the functional elements of the business. It's normal to be like that. It's just that a very good product that fails to communicate will not be successful. Without branding, a product will always be perceived as cheap. This perception does not allow the business to grow or develop.

The most successful businesses manage to combine production and communication. Big brands know very well the importance of branding and allocate between 5 and 15% of their turnover to marketing and promotion projects. Small firms, however, do not have this routine and must quickly learn the benefits of communication or remain in an area of low production and prices.

I invite you to see a selection of projects made by Logo Bigger here.

If you need a branding agency, I look forward to talking about your projects. Contact.

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